Governing Board Vacancy

Hello Families,

We have a vacancy on the Paul Revere Governing Board and are looking for a parent to join us. The Governing Board helps to guide our school's work related to our innovation plan. It is comprised of school employees, parents, and representatives from some of our partner organizations.

Governing Board members meet at least 7 times per school year and all meetings are held on Zoom. Meetings will generally run for 1-2 hours and take place on the first Monday of the month unless there is a holiday. In this case it would be bumped to the following week.

If you are interested in being on the Governing Board, please send me a message at [email protected] or here on Dojo. You can also reach me by phone at 781-286-8278. Questions are welcome so please do not hesitate!

If we have more than one parent who is interested in being on the Governing Board then we will have a lottery and select one parent at random from those who have put their name in for consideration.

Interested parents should contact me by October 13, 2022 and if needed, the lottery will be held on October 14, 2022.

Thank you,

Mr. Coyle