We are here for the students, their families and staff. We are also here to listen to your concerns about your student and try to help connect you and or the student with the right resources.
Do Not Send Any Type of Medication including Over the Counter Medicine to School with your Child.
Any medication brought into the building needs to be brought in by an adult.
Medication that required during school hours needs to have an order from a physician, this includes inhalers. Students are not allowed to carry their inhaler in school.
Immunizations and Yearly Physicals
It is IMPORTANT to keep your child’s medical records up to date. Massachusetts State Law
“Section 15 No child shall, except as hereinafter provided, be admitted to school except upon presentation of a physician’s certificate that the child has been successfully immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis and such other communicable diseases as may be specified from time to time by the department of public health. A child shall be admitted to school upon certification by a physician that he has personally examined such child and that in his opinion the physical condition of the child is such that his health would be endangered by such vaccination or by any of such immunizations. Such certification shall be submitted at the beginning of each school year to the physician in charge of the school health program. If the physician in charge of the school health program does not agree with the opinion of the child’s physician, the matter shall be referred to the department of public health, whose decision will be final.”
Dismissals by the Nurse
The Nurse dismisses students at her discretion. At times a student may be dismissed to a parent/ guardian for the following reasons:
- A temperature 99.5 or higher
- An ear infection
- Significant Injuries that require further evaluation by a doctor
- Possible Contagious Infections/Disease –Conjunctivitis, Chickenpox